Well had all the beaches I can stand for awhile and am now sitting in the Ga mountains waiting for the snow Monday night and tuesday. Staying at trackrock cg out of Blairsville Ga and it is a supper CG and will take Passport America.
Was heading to to Cades Cove and had to turn back on 129 because of snow this morning. Snowplows were clearing the road and we didn;t want to risk going over the Mnts in the MH
good choice Chelse, as we was getting close to Ken's place we can up on some very thick fog in FANCY GAP that we was fixing to turn around and then we saw a KOA sign, so we pulled in and camped there. The next morning we waited until the fog was gone and went on over to Kens. Sometime it better to be trust your judgment and be safe AND TRAVEL LATER. :laugh:
nash u should have callled me (well yelled really loud) ,, icould have u away to cades cove ,, that doosn't go via 129 ,,, but via i40 ..oh well ,, how long u TN for anyway???? :approve:
Rod, I know you think we are hiding but we really don't know where we are going. We got up this morning and had planed heading back south in Ga to seek long gone ancesters but before we left decided to go up to Cades cove via 129 and had thought about going around by I40. Just hit the road driving. Know that's loco but we enjoy it that way. Plans are still to go to the cove but think I'll call Elkmont before we leave tomorrow to see if they are full and ck on the tunnel going there. Understand there may be some construction that limits rv travel to the in park cg. Got to get somewhere where the cgs are cheaper or start finding more wally worlds. So far just spent one night in Wally's parking lot. Has been fun just sitting and watching the snow here today