Isn't this forum great?

We can all learn from each other. Have to comment on Wal Mart...I am delighted to know there is a 'backup' to stay safely if necessary. Before getting the motor home, I'd thought we could depend on rest areas to nap or do a quick overnight on way to destinations. Not true...most states highly discourage their use due to safety precautions (too many perverts out there).

Exception to this would be along OH turnpike where there a few rest areas that provide inexpensive overnites...dumping, showers,etc (for a fee). Haven't used them but looked them over & would do if needed. We do not make reservations ahead (very often) for same reason we never did when we "moteled"..I like to see what I'm getting 1st. We've stayed at WalMart once & did ask the manager 1st before parking, they told us where a safe & preferred (for them) area to park was & we complied. NEVER, NEVER abuse the privelege (& it IS a privelege)don't SET UP OUTSIDE W/CHAIR, AWNING, BARBQ..that's tacky, rude.
We've had to stay in many "unusual" places over the years with pop-ups, etc. including church parking lots, police dept. parking, and even a cementary! (that was next to the repair station fixing our car)
I don't consider us trailer trash, but campers who know when they've exceeded their endurance on road, need a break, or can't find a clean place to stay. Some of the private parks are REALLY SCAREY!
Happy RVing....most of us are fun, considerate and always willing to give you a hand not a "bashing". :laugh:
