Saddens My Heart


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Well the funny thing about my Fibro, I went to the VA because of an appeal on my disability and the doctor said I see that you were diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I said "say what" cuz nobody had told me about it and it seems that was made several years ago. So when I went back to my regular va doctor and told her about it she looked it up and said yep sure as chit. So now I am on Tramadol for that along with Tylenol 500's and Ibuprophen 800's and lastly cyclobenzaprine. Oh what fun it is. I just luv being a druggy. LOL
James it will catch you sooner or later. My grand son left Sunday for his training in Heavy Equipment and they told him he would go to Iraq from there. Hes a new Marine just finished his bootcamp. oooRAH
DL, Utah in the infinite wishdom took away discount for Vets, Elderly, and Disabled on taxes this year that caused us to pay 500% more than we have previous years. I feel sorry for the disabled and elderly in Utah. Dang of all the people to shaft.


Re: Saddens My Heart

Thats what I guess you would call a "Bail Out" in action, make the banks and the car dealers happy by taxing the elderly, disabled, and the vets. What a joke. I hope some people have learned there lesson about voting on the basis of ones skin color instead of ones intelligence. Not meant to offend any one just my opinion. :eek: :blackeye: :bleh:


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

AND DAMN GOOD ONE TO. THANKS FOR YOUR OPINION CAROL. Some time the truth hurts. It a shame that us vets and the elderly are suffering under this administration.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Go Girl, But it's just not the elderly and our veterans that are being targeted. Any responsible hard working tax paying independent thinking successful educated American is a target. :dead:


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

I keep running across folks that have no idea that the President has surrounded himself with communists, radicals and anarchists. If you don't read the news from Internet sites or watch Fox News, you DON'T know what's going on in D.C. The 'lamestream' media outlets are just not printing or reporting it. They simply do not publish ALL the news. Believe me, no matter what you believe, you WILL NOT get ALL the news by watching broadcast TV.


Re: Saddens My Heart

You are so right Tex, you will only get the news that has been censored so you believe that we are doing o.k.. It reminds me of Good Morning Viet Nam, when Robin Williams was trying to actually report the news and the red headed twins got it and x out all the real news. Hopefully we will be able to come out of this presidency and still be a viable country "One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All!!!!!" God Bless America!
:approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:


Re: Saddens My Heart

One other comment. Did I not say in another post about Health Care reform; "Can anyone say "Communism" boys and girls?" I don't know how to begin to stop what is happening but if I did, I would really be doing it. :dead: :disapprove:


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Ah!! Your all a bunch of Racists(acording to Jimmy,rabbit killer, Carter last night) Yup raised in a people of colored enviorment, best friends in highschool a spanish kid a black a Canadian and me, YUP mister Carter(screwup) I'm the Racist. I just don't like what the Pres and his Demmo buddies are doing to this country.



Re: Saddens My Heart

I missed that one Len but I have to say also that I grew up in a military neighborhood, there was not a difference between me and all our neighbors, none of us new what racism was! I couldn't even begin to tell you what nationalities or colors they were. To me, they were just my friends. I have since lived in a town where they ran the only black family out of and the father was a teacher. But those people lived perfectly happily among the illegal immigrants who picked the strawberries among other things. Still I was oblivious to color. It has only been in my adult life that I have began to realize that there is definite racism but it is not the whites against the blacks necessarily or any other particular race against another race. I think the white people have gotten the bum end of the deal. Have you ever heard of White History month? The United White College Fund? White Women in History. If a black policeman abuses any suspect it is never brought up but if a white policeman does anything to anyone other than another white person he is accused of profiling or of racism. If you watch the suspects behavior you can see that anyone would have done exactly the same thing but because the suspect is not of the same color as the officer then the press runs wild with it. And so do the families and the suspects. I have to say that I am a third generation American. My ancestors came from Denmark. Therefore my family were immigrants also. They did it legally and followed all the rules. Another long winded opinion. I better quit before I really get started. Any way I used to like Jimmy Carter until Len just informed me of the above. :eek:


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

I loved the comment made about Jimmy Boy last night, Why should we listen to him now when it doesn't matter what he thinks and we shouldn't have listened to him when it did matter what he thought.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

she may be to young to remember him?
Not all of our forum members are over the hill and thru the woods yet,
Not saying that any are, before you whip up on me,
I go back a good while and my wife just a short hop.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Rereading what I wrote ... Carol, I didn't mean anything personal. I know that if you had been old enough, you would have been all over him like peanut butter on bread! :clown:

The point is that we are now living what some of us lived back during Carter's fiasco. They are now printing money to 'pay' off our own debt. That means that we will have hyper-inflation in our future. Prepare for it.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

All I gots to say is; "its heck getting old". I too didnt know what racism was until I was a teenager and my mother threw a fit over the neighbor girl dating a person different than her and I really pissed mother off even more when I took the neighbors side and said; "I guess I better never bring my girlfriends home for they too were of the same ethnic background." Thought I would never hear the end of that and I quickly found out how racist my mother was.
Sad to get old also when one cannot work and the newest president said no more cost of living raises for the elderly ie Social Security collectors. But I noticed that congress will continue to get their cost of living raises every year. I would love to be paid a year for what just one of them congressmen get paid a month.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Hey lee, remember when O was on the campain trail , he promise if elected he would give everyone the same health care as those in congress. So we now know that is/ was a lie,,,, oop sorry can't say that as I will be a racist. BUT I agree with Carol last post.

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

I have heard that the senators and congressmen don't pay into SS. They voted their own retirement!! They will receive their current pay for retirement as long as they or their spouses live. :eek: :( :angry: Joining in on the tea party movement is looking better all the time.


Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Nash what you heard is correct, and this is why they have no reason to fix SS. One term get a pension for life as well for there spouse.What a crock of ______ well you know what I mean. This congress is toxic to the civilization of the USA.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Saddens My Heart

Amen to all the above. My biggest mistake in life was voting for good ol Jimmy. Never voted for a demo after that. I do learn from my mistakes.

I'm sitting here at Scott AFB and only have local TV. My golly but I would hate to have to listen to Katie for more than a night or two. Let alone not knowing what is really happening in the world/USA. Tomorrow night I should be in Branson, MO have cable and FOX news. Oh what a relief.

Sad to say the synchros in Big Red are slightly sick and will need some replacement therapy in OK City in a week or two. My second biggest mistake was in 2003 when Dodge beefed up their 4 speed auto transmission and I was still remembering their puny old auto trans when I ordered my new Dodge Diesel with the NV 5600 6 speed manual tranny. Besides getting to old to do all that shifting, the big brass sychros in the NV 5600 have a tendacy to get hard to shift into gears as the trans gets older (123,000 miles). The good part is that Blumenthal's in Oklahoma City manufactures replacement parts for the no longer made NV 5600 transmission and will rebuild the transmission at a much lower cost than Dodge. :) The Dodge diesel smokes stills smells good even though she is a little sick. :laugh: I can't complain too much since the only other problem has been a water pump failure at 94,000 miles that Cummins replaced for the $100 deductable warranty on their engine. :)


Re: Saddens My Heart

Tex I rarely take anything personally :eek: You are right, I was only a tween when Carter was president, I didn't know what politics were. Our family lived basically military style as my dad is retired Marine Corp and at the time was working civil service on the bases in San Antonio. We had military doctors and used the bx and the whatever that other store was can't think of it now. I guess also I was sheltered as our parents never let us know if it was hard times. We always had enough food and clothes and a roof over our heads and heat and ac and all that so I guess I really never had it bad. I know some who did. But as for now, we may all be in hard times before long. Can't say that my job has suffered as I work at the Food Stamp office. :eek: We are working overtime just to keep up with the demand. But what I am making in OT my husband is losing as he has been really slow the last 6 months so really we are still just hanging on. Now if I could make all this OT and he could go back to the 50 hour weeks, we would be doing alot better! :laugh: DL I hope Big Red gets feeling better soon. At that mileage she's tired, she just needs alot of TLC. I'm sure the sweet smell of diesel will be blowing again as soon as you get her fixed. :laugh: