Suggestions Anyone?

Old Forum Post

Senior Member
Suggestions Anyone?

[Paul B] Drop the blue side bar, as I am color challanged, it is hard to read the black letters through the blue and some of the others. Paul

Old Forum Post

Senior Member
Suggestions Anyone?

[Paul B] What difference what color I see. The Blue bar on the left side of my screen extends out over the posts and is hard to see period. Maybe its just my machine, or maybe other people are haveing the same problem but just not talking. Anyway it is annoying and hard to see. Paul B

Old Forum Post

Senior Member
Suggestions Anyone?

[cinnister] What resolution is your monitor set at? What browser are you using? (AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer? We are trying to figure out what you are seeing so that we can fix it. Your help would be appreciated. :)

Old Forum Post

Senior Member
Suggestions Anyone?

[Paul B] Resolution?? I can&#039t change my resolution just for this bb. I am using internet explorer. If nothing can be done I guess I will just try and live with it.

The blue left side boarder extends about an inch and a half into the rest of the screen. I have a 15" monitor. Thanks Paul