Where are they

C Nash

Senior Member
As of tonight there are 6330 registered on the forum and 122 guest here now. Wish more would jump in with opinions and advice. Come on in you will not be flamed here like on some forums and your knowledge is needed. Let us know what you have and places you have been. Come on at least the 122 on here now say hello :approve:


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

890 Days, 7 Hrs. and 9 Mins. Till retirement. But who's counting? :laugh:
Chelse, How close are you to the unclaimed luggage store? Lost some bags in 1978, thought I'd see if they showed up there. ( Think it's in Ala.) Planning a trip in Oct. to see some friends.

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Hay Dennis, I don't know anything either but others don't know that. Well, betty does cause she tells me :laugh:

Shadow I am about 150 miles south of the unclaimed luggage store. If it was in 78 you might vist all our flea markets :laugh: Went there several year ago and was dissapointed. Didn't find no bargin. Did look at some luggage but finally figured these wally world bags work just as well for me :approve: Wouldn't want to spoil my image. :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Geee Chelse, they got to ask the right questions (the ones we have answers too).
Shadow, sorry you have so long to go before your new career starts (honey do this and that job).
Dennis1949, me too. I think they removed me brain and sent it to the Smithstonia (sorry, can't spell) for research (guess they just couldn't believe what came out of it).
Everything slows down the older we get. Jobs I use to get done in two-three hours around the house, now take two-three years to get done (got to study, plan, estimate, seek advice, finish the other jobs planned in order to start new one, etc.). It does give me lots of time to think (dangerous, I know).
Haven't seen any comments recently from Gary up there in Minn. Hope all is ok there.


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Darn Chelse, guess I can throw this claim ticket away! ARCHER. you mean the honey do's don't stop when you retire???? :eek:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Where are they

They don't stop Shadow, we just forget they asked :approve: It's great to get old and forget. I can go somewhere today and back tomorrow and it just like going the frist time. Done forgot what I saw. read all and still have the louie Lamor westerns so got them back out and can't remember reading any of them. Oh well, come to think of it I couldn't even remember what I read in school :eek: . Shadow and Archer keep me posted when you will be in Alabama. Was planning on a trip but now I see where the BP gas line in Alaska is leaking and gas is going up again :disapprove: :sleepy: :dead: . Said I would just sell out when it got to 3 bucks and it hit 2.99.9 here today :(


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Will do Chelse. Not looking forward to paying the gas prices in Oct for this ole gal......but guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and do it,, cause I can't stay in the cold North during the winter, Time is a flying, ;)


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Chelse, what kind of big adventure did you have planned? Know you got to be itching to get behind the wheel of that Ford. Maybe check the tow rating on that Tracker, it's got to get about 30 mpg! :eek:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Yep, want to see if that little chevy tracker will push that ford :laugh: Biggest adventure I'm waiting on now is an appointment for knee operation. Mother keeps telling me to not get old :eek: . recond she is tired of me telling her what she should do? Guess we will just have to stay close around here for the time being. We have some great corps CG and can stay in them for 1/2 price :approve: trying to talk Betty into coming to Brownsvill Tx for the winter but she just looks at me and says she wants to see some snow. I hobble and stumble around and talk about how the cold hurts these old bones but sometimes I think she enjoys seeing me hurt :evil: :laugh: She really don't and hard to believe she has put up with my complaning for 46 yrs :cool: Really, really would like to go back to Alaska but guess that life time dream will only come true one time. Can say I seen the BP pipe line in Prudoe Bay. It'll probably be down for 4 6 months so guess I'' ll have to eat the selling out at 3 bucks a gallon. Also remember saying I would walk before I would pay 1 buck a gallon :eek: Remember when I could get a 5 gallon can full for my BSA motorcycle for 75 cents :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: Could ride for a month.


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Chelse, I remember gas wars when the price was around .20 a gallon, back in the early 70's. Filled up my VW for $2.00. :disapprove:


New Member
Re: Where are they

Be thankfull your not over here (UK) where gas is £1.001 a liter thats $8 1/2 bucks a gallon I cant afford to drive to the gas station, I can remember when there were $4 to the £ so $1=5shillings & gas was 6 pennys a gallon thats half of 1 shilling Icould fill up my tank,go out drinking,pay for a good woman and still have change from a £1, now you're hard pushed to get agood woman for £1, Bazzer


Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Little older than I thought :eek: ! As the Bunker's use to sing: "Those were the days..." Didn't mind filling up the ole 383 magnum on Saturday nite :bleh:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Wow Bazzer, 8 bucks a gallon and we can't blame Bush for that :laugh: What kind of MPG do your vehicles get?
Worked 50 years for the American dream and now can't afford it. :angry:

Shadow did you mean you are a little older than you thought :eek: :laugh:

think I'll crank up the ole still and make my own (vehicle) fuel. :approve:

guess I'll have to go back and find my old 49 ford with Mercury engine, 3 2 barrel carbs, full race cam, yep, that's what we called them.

Shadow can you believe I was once a ford man :eek: until the 55 chev v8 came out. That little 49 was tough in its day.

Don't know about the good old days. Outhouse was coldest place in winter and hottest in summer :eek:

Tough to have to bath in second hand water :disapprove:

running water was when you poured it out of the well bucket :bleh:

didn't know you could buy clothes other than flour sacks that Mama made our clothes with :approve:

sitting at the family table three times a day with all the family WOW :approve:

Ate what was put before you and cleaned the plate :)

sloped the hogs at the end of the day :laugh: How many even know what that means :laugh:

walked to church ever sunday and had a 37 chevy in the shed. daddy didn't believe in wasting gas when you could walk :)

Nope didn't walk 3 miles through snow and rain to school Just 1/4 mile to catch bus and built fires out of pinestraw to keep warm while waiting :approve: Bet we smelld good


DL Rupper

Senior Member
RE: Where are they

Hey guys, the one good thing about the high cost of fuel is that maybe, just maybe, the campgrounds will have to lower the price of a camping site. I don't know about you, but it bothers me to pay $20 to $40 per night to park my RV and sleep in my own bed. :dead: If the fuel keeps going up, the campgrounds will have to lower the price to lure the RV'ers out. Please, please tell me I'm right :clown: Even the great mileage I get out of my Dodge diesel doesn't help much when it costs $100 to fill-up and go 350 miles :angry:
This spring it cost me $700 to go from Flathead Lake, MT to Dayton, OH :(

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: Where are they

Forget it DL. they wont get cheaper. They will increase their price to pay for their fuel and bread.