Youngest fulltimers?

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: Youngest fulltimers?

Hey millerfamilycolo, welcome aboard. Love to full-time, but stuck in Dayton for awhile. Hope to be on the road soon. Have fun in Colorado. Wife and I were born and raised next door in Utah. Great country out West. :laugh:


New Member
RE: Youngest fulltimers?

Im an ailine pilot and am out of town a lot. Dont know it that counts but I started full timing when I was 28 haha. Best thing I ever did.


New Member
RE: Youngest fulltimers?

We've got you beat, darlings . As can be read in our post, in 60 days we're about to become full-timers ourselves. My husband and I are both barely 32, (with no kids) and our pets and we have elected to make this our "ever after" life. We won't be returning to the civilized world (chuckle) till we're too aged to continue our travels. When we were both 19 and newly married we decided to chase the dream of full-timing as early as possible. We earned well (and saved better) and after 14 years of saving...we're about to purchase our Montana fifth wheel and its necessary truck and ride into the yonder without an ounce of debt. And I tell ya...that isn't achieved absent sacrifice and artful design.

So I agree ~ we won't ever be the majority pressence among full-timers. We'll remain but a sprinkling. We know several who are, or have been, full-timers, and I've nothing to complain of. Neither of us has been treated with anything but kindness, and greeted with smiles. I would hope such warm reception will continue in our travels.

So now pardon me while I poke you two, who are 5 years our senior, and tell your aged arses to move out the way for we, the young crowd (snortful laughter).

:clown: :laugh:


RE: Youngest fulltimers?

My wife and i are both i our 40's and we kinda full time,,, we travel 9 months outta the year,,, both our kids are in collage,, with full scollerships...
We own our house,, a farm infact (28 acres)
Have paid help to work the farm....
I guess u'll be calling us snobs due to the fact that we got our money (Alot) in realestate and the stockmarket (before 911)... but any that is beyond the point..
Kinda full timing is great,,,, soon to go on the road for good,, (let the help manage the farm)


Senior Member
Re: Youngest fulltimers?

I think that if you look for trouble, you will find it. I've never had anyone mistreat me (well not since high school :) ) because I act as if they aren't going to give me any trouble. And if anyone was to give me trouble, I would give thanks for the knowlege that these were people to avoid (and pity).


Senior Member
Re: Youngest fulltimers?

Hey, welcome to the forum Randy and I'm so jealous! I only wish I could have full-timed when I was in my thirties!

I only hope that you have wonderful travels and keep them up for years to come!