2nd Meet and Greet


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Hey Jim sorry you aren't going to make it. All I can say is sorry, you will miss a lot of fun by not attending. AND YES Rod has busted his rump putting this together. And if I was him I would not worry about those who has not contacted him or Jimmy at Misty River CG. BUT CONCENTRATE on us who has and are planning on going. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

OK guys, I am thinking of maybe doing a fish fry, any objection? LIKE I said been thinking about it :laugh:

Grandview Trailer Sa

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Hollis, when we were at Earls over the Memorial Day weekend...Earl mixed up a beer batter coating and cooked chicken in Peanut Oil. I bet Fish would cook just as well. I can get your the "recipe", if you like.


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

yes do that even if we don't cook there I will have it for home cooking. :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

BTW, EVERYTHING taste BETTER with beer batter on them. peanut oil is what we deep fry turkey in :laugh:


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Fish fry sounds good to me ,, and also ,, maybe trytofindus ,, can bring some crayfish ,, (if any left) and some shrimp ,, and we can boil them also ,, jsut another idea ,, but it sounds good to me ,, hollis :approve: :approve: :cool: :cool:

Triple E

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Crayfish sounds great. Won't need the peanut oil with all the BP oil. I just can't wait to see what Nash brings. Yum, yum. :cool: :laugh: :approve: ;)


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Tex Google them on the internet. HINT, very small fresh water lobster. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Crayfish hmmm maybe a crawfish that ate a crayon. Do they come in different colors Hollis :laugh:

Triple E

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Tex, Crawfish are GOOOOD. You cook them just like a lobster. When possible we catch them under the docks on the lakes around here. Sure are a lot better then Cat Fish or Grits. Sorry Jenny. :eek: :approve: :laugh:



Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Steven you have not tasted southern catfish or grits, but rest assure if we do have a fish fry you will have taste both. :laugh: :laugh:

big bilko

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

WOW Tex, Are you in for a treat if you get to taste crayfish.Not a small prawn but a larger version ,They grow up to 2feet long here.Taste is magnificent and is generally served cold with salad or can be cooked many ways.Even the claws contain a large amount of meat and many a good time is spent cracking open the claws with pliers.Most of our crayfish is exported to Asia sadly which makes it expensive here.It tastes similar to prawns or shrimp but nowhere near the labour to peel.I recall my father bringing home a crayfish every Friday night as a treat for my mother.A 5 pound crayfish would cost $2.00. With the farming and export now the same would cost $180. If you could get one that size ,most now average 1 pound and sell for $30 frozen at the supermarket.At a few selected ports around Australia you can still buy them straight off the cray boats.I would love to bring some to the meet and greet but not possible.(Iwould eat it before we had gone too far. :) Anyway you should not have fish at a MEAT and GREET.Regards BIG BILKO. :evil: :evil: :) :)


Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

ok let me rephrase ,, crawdads ,, :clown: but BB is right ,, how can we have fish at a "MEAT" & Greet ,, i caught on BB ;) :cool: :approve: :approve: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Triple E

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

H2H1 - 6/24/2010 1:08 PM Steven you have not tasted southern catfish or grits, but rest assure if we do have a fish fry you will have taste both. :laugh: :laugh:

AS I told Nash, I will eat what ever he makes. Might not eat much but will give it one heck of a try. :approve: :cool: ;)


Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Hey Nash at least he said he would try some, that a start. You remember when you was BABY you had to try some before you started liking them. :laugh: :laugh:

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: 2nd Meet and Greet

Hollis when Steve gets down here and starts eating this southern cooking he will never go home. Guess we better lay off the cooking so he will go home.