defense shotgun?

Steve H

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

TexasClodhopper - 1/2/2008 7:47 PM And now back to the topic of this thread ... PLEASE! Four Winds asked:

I am not an attorney (thank God) nor an expert in gun law. This is just what I have been able to dig up from other sources.

Is it legal to carry a shotgun in all states? All 50 states allow the transportation of firearms in motor vehicles for all lawful purposes and 48 states allow the carrying of firearms in vehicles for personal protection, in some manner. More than one of every four of America`s 65-80 million gun owners carries a firearm in his or her vehicle for protection. Under the federal McClure-Volkmer Act, private citizensmay travel with firearms legally in the U.S. provided they obey certain provisions of the law. (NRA Fact Sheet)

Will you be allowed in state and federal parks? It is not legal to personal carry a firearm in a National Park. This doesn't mean it can't be transportedin your vehicle ifallrequirements are met.

What type would be the best to carry? Can't help here since my experience is with handguns.

Any other questions that would apply?


Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

One should always realize that the acceptance of a "concealed weapon permit" by states that did not issue the one you carry is very limited. There are a few reciprocity agreements between two or three states, mostly or all in the west. But that number is very limited and displaying one in a state other than where issued is not likely do help you much.

Many states take a very dim view of concealed carry weapons and even more cities do so. If you have such a permit and choose to "carry," I would strongly recommend that you make sure that you also know and understand the laws of the state where you are and the same for any city that you visit. Like most people, I have some strong views on the logic of weapons for self defense and the use of same. But that was not the question and so I make no suggestions in that area.

For most people a shotgun is by far the most effective and safest weapon to keep in an RV if you choose to do so. But the likelihood of ever having any reason to use one is very small, unless you use very poor judgment about your choice of location to spend your time. It is also a fact that the majority of people who do display a weapon to an intruder then fail to use it and more often than not, come to regret that decision.

The only true purpose of a firearm is to kill someone or something.

Steve H

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

I apologize...the intent is not to hijack this thread but toshare a differentperspective.

One should always realize that the acceptance of a "concealed weapon permit" by states that did not issue the one you carry is very limited.There are a few reciprocity agreements between two or three states, mostly or all in the west. My CPL is issued in WAState. 18 other stateshonor this permit including Vermont, North Carolina and Virginia.I can still transport my firearms in most other states as long as I meet the federal requirements butI cannot carry a loaded firearm in the remainingstatesthat don't havea reciprocity agreement with WA.

The only true purpose of a firearm is to kill someone or something. I personallydo not shoot living things. I am not a firearmshunter. I prefer a camera. If a beer can or paper target is the "something", so be it. I enjoy shooting sports, of which there are many,even bowling! In fact, I know more gunners thatsport shoot than hunt.

I will be quiet now! Thanks for your understanding!


New Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Get the Shotgun, FOUR WINDS! Unless you give someone a BIG reason, no one is going to search your rig. (unless you're crossing an international border!) Keep it out of site but, with easy access in case you need it! DON'T display it, like some idiots I've seen, on the wall or in a case inside your rig. That's asking for trouble.

AUSSIE KEITH....Whenever someone makes a statement like yours I have to bring up our beloved Washington DC. They have the toughest handgun laws in the nation. They also have one of the highest crime rates.
When the criminal mind is sure he's safe from harm, it becomes much easier for him to commit a crime against another person. If that same criminal thinks he may be shot in the process, he may think twice about doing it.
I'm a firm believer in going prepared for the worst and hoping for the best. My 5er houses 1 12ga., 1 9mm auto (his) & 1 380 auto (hers). It also houses extra food, fire starter sticks, emergency blankets, flares, 2-way radios (several different bands), etc.
I don't go expecting a hurricane or earthquake, but I have what I need to survive if it happens......It's the same with the weapons!! Prepare for trouble but pray it never finds you!

Happy Campin'


Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

So, have any of you ever chosen to camp in a place where you then chose to use whatever weapon you had with you to protect yourself, your family or your property?

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Camped in many lonely State Parks, Forest Service Camps and BLM boondocks in the middle of nowhere. Heck I've even camped in some RV Parks that looked like nothing but riff/raft lived there. Mr. Mossberg comes out of the closet. If anyone comes around, I'm sure the sound of a shotgun shell jacking into the receiver will send them on their way. No fuss no muss. Everyone is happy. Nobody hurt. USMC Recon trained and know how to use and handle firearms. Don't agree with bleeding hearts liberals that only want the criminals armed. That's what happens when the law abiding citizen is deprived of his right to bear arms by foolish well meaning gun control laws. Just my opinion. :)

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

DL I agree I I haven't even been smelling the exhaust fumes. Had guns around all my life and know how to respect them> Daddy kept the old pump 12 guage winchester loaded in the corner at home and us kids knew what it was for and left it alone. Hunted alone since I was 10 and we ate the game I killed. Keep America free with the right to bare arms.


Re: defense shotgun?

Hey DL i AGREE on that ,, i think that is why our k-12 school here in our little town hasn't had a problem with guns ,,, cause if anyone would want to do a hostige situation at the school ,, they might want to think twice when they walk onto the school's parking lot and see all the pickups with gun racks and ,, yes guns hanging from them ,, i myself know of a few teachers that keep guns in their cars ,, around here it is not a i want to shoot someone and then shoot myself type place ,, these people hunt ,, and they use the meat they kill ,, i myself own plenty of guns ,, and not once did i ever fear that my kids would go out and shoot someone ,,, my son shoots on our property about once a week ,, but then agian i told them that if they ever used it toward another person in any other way other then life thretening self defense ,, they would have to deal with me ,,, i myself grew up around guns ,, and not once did i want to take it out and shoot someone ,, and also my gun's aren't locked up ,, nor were they when i was growing up i knew better ,, but i will not be afraid to use my if i have to ,, i have no feelings for a low life trying to take away what i have or one of my family members ,, i myself would ahve loved to be a sniper in the army ,, ok i have said enough , and get flack over this ,, but who cares :laugh:


Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

When I went to school here (small town Crozet, VA), hunting students could get special permission to leave their guns in their cars at school. Now, some 25 years later or so, I work in the same school division and know we have EXPELLED kids for bringing gutted b-b guns to school by accident. That was actually about 15 years ago...I have grown up around hunters and guns and believe strongly that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." My family members have hunting licenses and concealed weapons permits. The 10 year old in my life has two guns plus several bb guns and has been taught how to handle them. His latest career choice is sharpshooter. I think he could qualify today! I am thinking about entering him in shooting matches he is so good!

I don't know where you would put me on a continuum of liberalism, but I would like to ensure the right to bear arms remains intact while also making sure people who buy guns aren't crazy and know how to handle them. I am not scared of the people who know how to use guns and have them for personal reasons. I am concerned about the folks who don't know how to use them or have them so they can do harm to others. I don't know how we can legislate this and hope the law doesn't swing too far.

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Hey Becky, thanks for the clarification. I guess I over reacted to your previuos post. Thought maybe you were coming from the take our guns away faction. Sorry. I guess some of us feel stongly about our Constitutional rights.

Sounds like a good idea to put your 10 year old in shooting matches. I know I started out at about 10 with bb guns and got my first .22 at about 12. I entered a Turkey Shoot when I was 12, but didn't do too good as I was the only kid and the rest were older men. It was fun though. :) Again, sorry I got you mixed up with the bad guys. :laugh:

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Becky, I thought I would elaborate a little on how the times are a changing. Back in the late 50's in UTAH when I was 16 I had a good job and a little extra money. I owned a Vespa motor scooter an liked to go out in the near-by sage brush to hunt rabbits. One day I walked into a local sporting goods store and at the tender age of 16 purchased a single action Ruger .22 pistol and fast draw holster without having to register the pistol. The salesman didn't even bat an eye at selling me a pistol at 16 years old.

You asked about if any of us had experienced maybe having had to use a weapon while RVing. The answer for me is no to the RVing. But the answer is yes in 2 occasions I thought I might have to use my guns.

Back when I used to go rabbit hunting while a teenager, I came across an older greasy fat sheepherder while hunting. I was very glad I had my .22 rifle pointing at the ground in front of him as he looked me over aggressively. I went on my way convinced I had just escaped an unpleasant experience. I was ready to use my rifle then and would have if the encounter had gone downhill.

The second occasion occurred after I was married and home from the Marine Corps. Again I was way out in the Utah salt desert (150 miles out) only this time my wife was with me. We were out in our Toyota Land Cruiser (older 4x4 rag top like a Jeep) we came up onto a couple of scroungy cowboy roughnecks that looked real interested in my wife. They kept coming closer to the 4x4 until my Irish Wolfhound stuck his huge head out of the door less Land Cruiser. I was very glad I was carrying my .357 Mag pistol that day and had my trusty 140 lb Wolfhound with me. There was no doubt in my mind that being out in the boondocks without the dog and my pistol things would have turned out different. They had rifles in their gun racks in their truck, but not in their hands at the time. Moral to the story: Better safe than sorry.


Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

My older brother has MS (he was diagnosed in his early 20's) and carries so he can protect his wife and daughter. He practices regularly and is teaching his daughter to handle a gun given that the day will come when he doesn't feel like he can handle a pistol safely anymore. He should be able to carry but he should also be responsible enough with that right to know when to lay down his holster. That will be a tough day for us all as he has battled this nasty disease for over half his life.

I have an uncle I never met because, as a child he was "playing with a gun" and shot and killed himself. My mom was always frightened by guns because of this, but my dad made sure we all were comfortable with guns and knew enough to not "play" with them. I want the kids I influence to have respect for, not fear of, guns.

It bothers me that last year when I went to buy a pistol (I have a Beretta Bobcat), they never even asked me if I had handled a gun before. This is scary knowing what can happen when people don't know the possibilities. I can also tell you that had I been refused my gun, I would have raised a stink because I know my rights. I also know I could have bought from a private seller without ever filling out any paper work. It is a whole lot easier to buy or sell a gun in Virginia than it is a boat (I have a Yamaha SX 230). What's the balance?


Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

I no its not much but enough in any situation in my book. I pack a 22 pistol and rifle in my RV for plinking and home security. Some say they are too small but had a neighbor shoot and kill his brother thru the wall of a house with a plain old 22 rifle.


New Member
Re: defense shotgun?

myself and some buddies from ireland are planning a trip across the states this summer in some RV's

the though of driving into park's where other people are carrying shotguns scares the bejaisus out of me >_<

if we stay in a camp should we keep to ourselves and not approach any other vehicles?

i guess we could approach them but with our hands in the air

aussie Keith

New Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Don't worry one little bit and don't keep to yourselves. You'll miss out on a big part of your trip - meeting the people and sharing the experience with others. It does sound scary when you're not used to others feeling it's common place to be armed, but we never saw anything that would worry us in a year touring there. Probably safer than Belfast over the last 40 years! (only joking).


New Member
Re: defense shotgun?

i stayed in belfast last year in a crappy hostel on the most dangerous street in the city

eye-contact there was more dangerous than guns :p

C Nash

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Aw come on cdbmacn, since when was an Irisman scared of anything.
:eek: :laugh:

DL Rupper

Senior Member
Re: defense shotgun?

Hey cdbmach, welcome to the forum. You won't ever know anyone has a gun in their RV. In this Country it is our Constitutional right to own arms. Days of the wild, wild West. Most of us conservative types exercise that right. It keeps us safe by discouraging the bad guys from strong arming anyone and discourages any political group from thinking they could take over the Country. It is a saying here that if it's against the law to own guns, only the outlaws will own them. Something like that. Don't worry about traveling here. RV'ers are very friendly and like to talk to their temporary neighbors.


New Member
Re: defense shotgun?

ok i think i understand, thanks :))

me and my mates will definitely have to go to a shooting range to try out some guns. ive never even seen one!

any really good places to do this?