Re: Preparing to launch...a question for the pros
Texas ~ We plan to do that, brother...we told our people that we'd be accepting at least one travel assignment back home (3 months) each year, so we'll be spending 25% of every year in our native Texas. I'm surprised you think 2 years is a lenghty period of time. :laugh: People up here are ever riding me about my Texan accent. It's tireless. I've very little doubt that my accent is more pronounced than is yours. A law school professor of mine told me that I should pay a professional voice coach to rid myself of the accent I'm "afflicted" with. Now this man liked me a great deal, and he didn't think he was being insulting, he simply wanted me to be able to avoid any suffering of being stereotyped an idiot. Needless to say, I hugged my friend, told him I'd absolutely not be coaching the Texas out of me, and that was the end of that. I also get a good deal of ribbing by the friends we've made here who've been to our home and see that I'm a guns and weapons collector (I've an enormous and exotic collection of very intimidating knives). I'm the only broad they know who's an excellent marksman. I shoot a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun and a .40 caliber Glock most of the time. I'll be adding a rifle to the mix this summer. I cannot begin to tell you the number of times I've been told "We can certainly tell you're Texan, with the love of guns you have". Most comments are nothing more than friendly banter...but **some** seem genuinely the weeist bit distressed that I shoot for sport - and that I'm good at it - AND that I'm female. In our travels, (and I'm sure in yours) we've become aware that when people think of gun lovers, the very first people they think of are Texans. Funny, right? Off the subject, but funny nonetheless. Not to scare, but I've shot at ranges in Dallas and here in VA., and few I've met are better. And for your humor (because it certainly won't humor anyone else here) the back of my Xterra has a large bumper sticker which reads "It's a Texan thing, you wouldn't understand" - and a smaller bumper sticker which reads "Native Texan".
Grandview ~ yeah, we've been up here two and a half years now. We live in the outskirts of Richmond, waaaaaaaaaay out in the country, where we've no neighbrs save for the crop fields.

We drove 2.5 hours up to Reines RV just to see the largest number of Montanas in this area just last week. It was a LONG drive. I'm confused...are you an RV salesman? Your handle suggests as much. Where are you located, exactly? We're putting the selection of the truck on the backburner for the next few days only because we need to choose our RV *first*. We're supposed to make that selection end of this week, beginning of next. The truck will immediately follow. If we've time, we're supposed to go the hour into Richmond and see the Duramax tomorrow. We live an hour from the nearest city, Charlottesville or Richmond.
Once, again...thanks everyone.