Senior Member
Okay all, I need some advice here. I've never used synthetic oil, but I have heard good things (good advertising???) about it. I have a 5284 mile one-way trip, Alaska to Florida and vice versa, and that's pushing my comfortable oil change interval.
I have the 2006 Ford V10 engine with 63,000 miles on it, and have been using Penzoil 10W30 exclusively. So far it hasn't had any oil issues (no burning or leaking) for 3 trips up and down the ALCAN. I change the oil right before leaving and change it again as soon as I get where I'm going.
So, should I just keep on keeping on like I have been, or do you folks think I might should change over to synthetic? :question: :question: :question: :clown:

I have the 2006 Ford V10 engine with 63,000 miles on it, and have been using Penzoil 10W30 exclusively. So far it hasn't had any oil issues (no burning or leaking) for 3 trips up and down the ALCAN. I change the oil right before leaving and change it again as soon as I get where I'm going.
So, should I just keep on keeping on like I have been, or do you folks think I might should change over to synthetic? :question: :question: :question: :clown: