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RE: Allison Transmission Questions
Well the Ford cruise trouble shooting manual says an AC signal of at least 1.5 v, someone else also told me that some circuits don't care if the signal is AC or pulsating DC. they care only about frequency at a level they can read. Either way AC or DC it seems that I don't have a high enough voltage for the cruise. I'm pretty sure I did check the DC level. Well that pulsating DC would have to be measured with the duty cycle in mind, when using a volt meter (I think). Some of this is beyond my grasp. I did talk to a friend in CA that had a CC with an Allison and his cruise quit working but the speedo and trans still worked fine and it turned out to be the transducer on the transmission was bad. I just got off the phone with my step dad and he claime that he can easily build an op-amp circuit that will convert my signal to any voltage I want.
Someone sent me a circuit diagram of the ECU speed output to the speedo. It shows dip switches for two different output levels. Low (0 to .5v) and High (-2 to 12v) I think the .5v on the low may be a missprint maybe it's (0 to 5v) 50% duty cycle should read 2.5vac on a volt meter, I was told. It's not what I am getting. I get less than a volt. Thanks for the TAC number, That will be helpful before deciding what I need to do.
Well the Ford cruise trouble shooting manual says an AC signal of at least 1.5 v, someone else also told me that some circuits don't care if the signal is AC or pulsating DC. they care only about frequency at a level they can read. Either way AC or DC it seems that I don't have a high enough voltage for the cruise. I'm pretty sure I did check the DC level. Well that pulsating DC would have to be measured with the duty cycle in mind, when using a volt meter (I think). Some of this is beyond my grasp. I did talk to a friend in CA that had a CC with an Allison and his cruise quit working but the speedo and trans still worked fine and it turned out to be the transducer on the transmission was bad. I just got off the phone with my step dad and he claime that he can easily build an op-amp circuit that will convert my signal to any voltage I want.
Someone sent me a circuit diagram of the ECU speed output to the speedo. It shows dip switches for two different output levels. Low (0 to .5v) and High (-2 to 12v) I think the .5v on the low may be a missprint maybe it's (0 to 5v) 50% duty cycle should read 2.5vac on a volt meter, I was told. It's not what I am getting. I get less than a volt. Thanks for the TAC number, That will be helpful before deciding what I need to do.